That's Baum

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Welcome Back to That's Baum

Hello friends! As you may have seen, That’s Baum has gotten a bit of a facelift. Less 2016, more 2022 and I couldn’t be happier to be back.

Since we left off, my life has changed drastically and I’d love to share what I’ve been up to, and where I hope to take That’s Baum in the future.

First, let’s start with life updates!

I have moved out of Center City Philly and now live on the Mainline with my amazing boyfriend John. It’s weird being back in the suburbs but it’s also been a breath of fresh air, something I’m sure I’ll chat about soon with you all. My personal life has definitely taken some turns these last couple of years, most notably the loss of my father whom I still miss deeply, more on that in my last post. I have also experienced living in another city! I spent a good part (the best part!) of 2021 in Charleston, SC and let me tell you… it changed my life. Being away from your hometown is so transformative and I encourage everyone to do so even if it’s for a short while like a weekend trip. I went to the beach, I read, I met new friends and saw old ones, I walked EVERYWHERE, I went to events/tours and restaurants alone and I just relaxed. Being there calmed my soul more than I could have imagined. It is my soul city and I miss it everyday (if you’re visiting check out my super in depth guide) but who knows, hopefully I’ll get to call it home some day. Also, I’m 26 going on 27! Which is the weirdest thing to say. I started this blog when I was 19, and still in college! It’s so funny to look back at old outfits, and old thoughts it’s truly like a scrapbook. I’m not deleting any of my old posts because I think it really visualizes how far I’ve come in the last 6 years.

So, where do we go from here?

My style has developed, and so have my priorities which is natural and part of being in your late twenties (Omg… I still can’t believe I am writing that haha). I want my writing to reflect that. When I say writing, that is genuinely what I mean. My time away has made me realize that I always loved the writing part of my creations, but not really the “influencing” part of being a content creator. Too much drama, too much always being “on” or the pressure to take the perfect photo. I won’t lie, the compensation of working more in the social media world instead of blogging was hard to walk away from but it shouldn’t cost me my mental health and it was. My mental health is a top priority for me now and I’ll be damned if I don’t enjoy everything I do and create. That means, mostly everything you’d need on updates/musings/shopping lists etc. will be right here on That’s Baum, but you can always find reminders and sneak peeps on Instagram @Marissa.Baum.

For what I hope to write, my content will be a space to explore what it means to be a person in their late twenties. That’S baum Will include my personal Lifestyle including travel, fashion, and home with a few Daydreams and INSPIRATION mixed in.

It’s such a weird time to be in. You feel nostalgic for things like #BamaRush, but you don’t fit in the mommy bloggers just yet — it’s somewhere in between, so let’s enjoy while we got it… romanticize it if you will. I want to write think pieces that focus on being informative, instead of purely opinion. I want to write about what impacts us, and provide value for others… not just parade around opinions about things that really don’t matter to me. I want to write about what my life looks like now and my POV being a 9-5 corporate woman in her twenties who loves to travel, cook and find new hobbies. Of course there will be some fun shopping lists and light hearted pieces thrown in (and maybe even some recipes!) but I want to keep this platform as authentic and genuine as possible to who I am now and I hope you’ll join me on this new adventure.

Bye for now, and more content to come!

Xo, Marissa