That's Baum

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Well… That Didn’t Go as Planned

You know that saying, “when you plan, God laughs”? Well… that is best way I can describe the way life has gone for me the last few months. I planned, and planned some more, and now my dreams look nothing like my reality. After lots of twists and turns it’s humbling to say that I actually think I like where I’ve landed.

The big news is… I’m moving! I’ll give you 2 seconds to guess where. Ding, ding! Charleston, South Carolina it is ladies and gentleman, and I could not be more thrilled! Many of you know this has been a dream for me, as that city already feels like home and it feels surreal that I get to live there forever. The move will be soon, so definitely be on the lookout for all things apartment, food, comings and goings and more! I have great ideas coming for 2023 and I can’t wait to share them with you.

In other news, I’ve really battled with my health this last year which to say the least was invasive, disappointing and frustrating. I’ve changed medications, my diet, getting more vitamins in, making work outs more fun and reframing my mental health. It seems like everything was going wrong, every test was giving more questions and less answers. My energy was drained, and spirit damaged because I felt terrible, and all I wanted was to feel better. But, I’m happy to report that right now I’m feeling good, we got some answers, I have great doctors who listen and the best support group a girl could ask for. I’m getting my energy back, and I can’t wait to pour it into the things and people I love.

When a new chapter starts, the previous one ends. With this new chapter, comes goodbyes. Goodbyes aren’t easy, they are incredibly difficult and the most heartbreaking thing in life to deal with. Whether the goodbye is to a person, a place, a job, or a home it signifies the end of something you once held dear. But with goodbyes, come new beginnings, and that is a beautiful thing to look forward to.

This year, I’m leaning into making my new house a home, rediscovering my faith, prioritizing my mental and physical health, spending quality time with my friends and family, and who knows… maybe I’ll take a dip and go on a few dates now and again. No matter what, there is going to be a ton of Charleston sunrises and Shem Creek sunsets and whatever happens, I’ll be sure to take you on the ride with me.

Now let’s get moving y’all!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” —Jeremiah 29:11