It's Been Awhile, Old Friend.

Well, well, well. Hello friends, it's been awhile, hasn't it?

We all go through ruts, right? Where life is too busy, or not busy enough. We don't feel creative or inspired. Or honestly we are just focused on other parts of our life and we need to prioritize what is right for us to do at that moment. 

It was a big year for me.

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I traveled, spent time with family, made new friends and struggled. I struggled with time management, prioritizing what was important to me, keeping up with my academics, friendships, family health issues, and I really needed a break. It wasn't officially announced, and it didn't have to be. You all let me fade into the background for awhile and all I can say is thank you for giving me that opportunity. This year has transformed me in so many ways that I cannot even begin to express and I am excited that I feel like I can finally start sharing it with you.

I guess the biggest news is that I ceremoniously graduated from college! Which basically means I got to do the whole cap and gown thing but I am returning to campus in the fall to finish up my degree. In order to do that, however, I had to take 21 credits this past semester. Crazy, I know, but wildly worth it. You see, it was important for me to have my dad and the rest of my family to see me walk across that stage and share in that moment because a few years ago, I didn't know if that would ever be a reality. It was a goal I needed to reach. So I busted my butt. I took 7 classes, all in person and as you can imagine that tightened up my schedule. I had less time for brunches, less time for blogging. But I knew that it would be well worth it. And it was!

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I also went through the internship/job interview process which if you know... you know. It's draining. You apply to 100 jobs, get called back for 1. It steals your confidence, rattles your nerves and seriously gets you to contemplate if you should just buy a plane ticket to nowhere and just live out of a van for the rest of your life (thought about it... maybe one day.) But for all of the stress it gives, it also allows you to stretch yourself and your abilities. I took myself places I never knew I could go and met people who I never thought I would get to meet. I had the honor of accepting my #1 choice summer internship near Philly where I get to learn more about investing, business, and project management. I'll save that story for another time but just know that I am so happy, and grateful to be interning for a company that I believe in and am surrounded by people who I feel are a great fit for me. I've only been there for 2 weeks and already feel like I have found a place where I can bring my talents, and also challenge myself to be a better version of who I envision myself being as an adult.

But just like an old friend, my blog has always been in the back of my mind.

I missed it, and you all, terribly. I knew that I wanted to do it justice, I don't want to ever half-ass this part of my life because it means too much to me. Brands kept calling, people kept asking, and I just kept saying that it just wasn't the right time for me to dive back in. I decided to put it on the shelf for awhile until I knew I could give it the attention it deserves. I believe that time has finally come around the corner. 

I am excited about this new chapter and all of the adventures to come. Thanks for sticking by and let's get this party started.

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