Sorry I Haven't Been a Great Friend Lately

Dear friends,

I’m sorry that I have not been a great friend lately. I have been distant, not responded to texts/calls, and simply been on my own schedule where I did not include many of you. It’s not because I didn’t want to see you or call, it was just that life took me to a new chapter I was not expecting to write, or be as hectic as it turned out to be.

While there is no excuse to not be there for one’s friends I must admit that this year has been crazy busy. Not just with happy things, but with totally out-of-blue scary things as well. A lot has happened in a year! Some things you know, some things you may not. While I am all about keeping private things private, I have neglected some people very close to me and I have neglected something I love, writing and blogging. I’m sure most people have noticed the lack of posts not only on That’s Baum, but also on Instagram and Facebook. It’s not that I did not want to let you in, but some things are either too painful to share or I was too self conscious to share.


First thing is first, I officially graduated college! I graduated from Villanova University with a B.A. in Communications. I am very proud of this accomplishment because college was a rough road for me. I transferred schools so I could be closer to family for my final junior and seniors years, and it took longer than expected simply because of the workload I had. I took summer courses and even overloaded every semester (sometimes up to 8 or 9 classes compared to 5 or 6) to try and meet my goal as quickly as possible. Definitely helped me develop time management skills, but not the greatest for my social life.


Secondly, I went to Europe! Yay! A lifelong dream of mine, I went on a tour of Europe for 6 weeks. I had been to Europe once in high school and I knew I always wanted to go back. Between family obligations and an already hectic college life I did not get the opportunity to study abroad, so I simply made my own without the books after graduation. It was wonderful, scary, and went by far too quickly. I went to 12 countries (I KNOW, CRAZY!) more blogs to come on that later for sure, but the short is that I was gone, without a lot of service, and simply just taking every photo and memory I could. I was thrilled to have my boyfriend and best friend John right along with me for half of my trip and we can’t wait to visit again one day.


After gallivanting through Europe, it was time for quality family time. Within a week I went from one suitcase to another. Travelling clothes (travel towel and all) to bikinis and sundresses for summer! My family and I spent the summer in Avalon, NJ and it was truly the most incredible time of my life. So many memories, so much great food and just a time for us to be together in our happy place. I am forever grateful we were able to spend that time together. However, that did take me away from friends. I always envisioned having a ton of people down, partying on weekends, but it just did not pan out like that. It was truly for family time and I realized I wasn’t going to get that time back once I started work. So instead of a million “No Shower Happy Hours” I opted for lots of wine, cheese and crackers at home which just felt right. Through this, I was also studying for my FINRA (finance industry exams) everyday which took up a ton of time, and more on that below.

Now, career time! Within a week of getting home from the shore, I realized that the career path I thought I wanted to go down was not the right fit. I felt it in my gut. It wasn’t that the company wasn’t great, or that the people weren’t incredible, I am actually very close with a few to this day, but it just wasn’t right. I’ve always been a hustler, I take on any challenge that comes my way but when you’re not passionate it’s hard to wake up everyday and want to give 110% to a part of your life that is so significant. I made the decision to look for other opportunities and I am so glad that I did. I am now working in an innovative space that combines my talents and my career goals for the perfect blend of being an asset and learning more than I have ever imagined. I am now working in developing software through project management at a company headquarters for North America in the Philly Suburbs and I could not be more thrilled!

With a new job, comes a new home! I officially flew the nest of my parent’s home and settled into a new apartment in Center City Philadelphia! I have an incredible roommate and the best location we could ask for. Right in the middle of all of the wonderful restaurants, beer gardens and a truly great neighborhood it is finally (after a week haha) starting to feel like home. Still lots to discover but it feels nice to call downtown home. I had an army of my support system who helped me build furniture, frame and hang photos, and help me figure out how the heck to work my new TV. It was totally nuts to move in and start work in the same week but hey, gotta do what you gotta do, right? I am so happy to finally be living in the city, something I have always wanted to do and I can’t wait to blog on that journey soon!


Now for the no-so-great news. Unfortunately, my father found out that his cancer was back. After a few months of keeping it at bay it was like it came back with a vengeance. It was brutal, not only for him but on us too. As many of you have followed my journey when I started blogging about this side of my life probably a few did not know the extent of it. My dad was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (a type of bone marrow cancer) over a decade ago. He has gone through chemo, radiation, 2 bone marrow transplants and countless clinical trials. It has been a rough road, but one that my family has taken head on. We all deal with it in our own way, but this time it struck particularly hard. He is back in treatment, has had a few scary events including possible emergency surgery but is being cared for with the best possible team around him and we can only be thankful that we have the support system that we do. As always, I appreciate your prayers at this time because while I may seem happy-go-lucky most of the time, this is a situation that weighs on my heart every single day. So while all of these wonderful things are happening in this new chapter of my life, I am reminded that family is the most important so if I opt out of a night out to stay at home it’s simply what feels right for me at this time. I love my family and my father and thank you all for the support you have shown me over the years. We, as always, are optimistic and look forward to beating this thing yet again!

WOW! If you have gotten to this end of the blog, good for you and you are definitely a friend I should call soon (If I don’t, please call me, I have an hour+ commute everyday and would love to chat!) all I can say to you all is thank you. Thank you for your support, patience, friendship, hugs and phone calls even if they went unanswered. This journey has been long, sometimes rough, but I would not change my life for anything. It is what makes me strong, resilient, and thankful. I am thankful for every day, opportunity and chance to bring my talents to the table. But, most of all, I am thankful for the friends who have respected my time, hardships, vulnerability, and do not count against me because of them. You are more valuable to me than I have expressed and I will work hard for you to know how much you are appreciated in my life.

With all of this said, I want to blog more, write more, photograph more, style outfits more, and I will get to it as soon as I can because it is something I love and cherish. Building this platform has been one of my greatest accomplishments and I want to keep myself accountable, but it will all come in time.

Thanks for your support always,


Marissa BaumComment